
Please pardon my grandpa gushing... again...

  Billy #4 wants to rock and roll all night and party every day. Bill #2 feels more like this:  “I used to rock and roll all night and party every day. Then it was every other day. Now I’m lucky if I can find a half an hour a week in which to get funky.” —Homer Simpson Welcome our new grandson, Oscar Andrew Allison, a.k.a., Ozzy! Another Psalms 128 Moment Here . God is good. Grandma Stacy If video above doesn't appear, go here . "Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." —Psalm 127 Subscribe: Let me encourage you most Mondays ! Let's Connect!     Instagram          Facebook           Twitter       

A Summer Camp Focused on Disciplemaking Friendships that Multiply

All Glory to God! Students and youth leaders from Pennsylvania and Central IL join to together for a summer camp focused on making disciples— like Jesus did ! After many, many years of speaking to students and youth leaders at camps around the country, WHY do I keep doing it ?  Here's why . If video above doesn't appear, go here. Here's what learning to be and make disciples looks and sounds like! We call it "havering." Imagine a camp experience that centers around The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus , The Disciplemaker's Prayer , and The Disciplemaker's Living Guide ! I've know and loved this guy since he was in high school. He's the same age as my own kids. Mark Goeway is the youth/worship pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Tremont, IL . Mark has a heart for making disciples of Jesus Christ—especially with the next generation. Disciplemaking is always about this generation AND the next generations . "Bill and Stacy, God continues to use you t

Look at What God Is Doing—Summer 2024!

      [Note: We are disciplemaking missionaries with   Cadre Missionaries . As such, we give a brief ministry update here at   Cup O' Joe with Bill   once every three months—especially for those who love, pray, and support us.] All Glory to God! (Click any image below to enlarge for reading, viewing, and praying.)   Can you help us? Summer can be a challenging time financially for missionaries. Make no mistake: We need you to be God's wind in our disciplemaking sails with Cadre Missionaries. Every little bit is a huge encouragement to us.   Donate Here Or send your gift to  Cadre Missionaries PO Box 278 Sycamore, IL 60178 A True Story . Our Summer 2024 Ministry Mailing Team  These are the peeps that made it happen! Thank you so much. This beautiful group of friends and family helped us get our Summer 2024 ministry mailing put together so we could send it out to  you ! Thank you God for "framily" (friends and family). Full disclosure: We  may  have enjoyed pizza, wing

Happy Father's Day: The Disciplemaking Dad

  This morning I read 1 Chronicles 27. For the most part, it's a pretty boring list of names of dead guys. (Just keeping it real people.) However, near the end of the chapter, I read something that really piqued my interest. (Or perhaps that's just when my coffee kicked in?) In a list of people who worked for King David, I read this little tidbit:  "Jehiel son of Hacmoni took care of the king's sons."   —1 Chronicles 27:32b Hmmm. So David farmed out his responsibilities of fathering his sons to another guy? Frankly, I don’t know to what extent David abdicated his fatherly responsibilities to Jehiel instead of being with his children himself—but David's fatherly neglect seems to be significant in the Bible (1 Kings 1:6). This certainly helps explain some of the reasons for the crazy family life David had (see 2 Samuel 13-19 for specific Davidic family train wrecks).  In spite of all his success as a king, it seems David wasn't a Deuteronomy 6 disciplemaking

Why 1-on-1 discipleship doesn't multiply...

Thanks for daring to explore this post. I know. The title  certainly challenges the popular American understanding of discipleship, doesn't it? But just because something is popular doesn't mean it's true, helpful, or unquestionable. Honestly, I'm not trying to be negative or controversial. That's not my goal or heart. I simply want to get beyond our assumptions and explore this a little more deeply. So, before you respond in any way to this post, please take a deep breath, say a quick prayer for an open mind and heart, and then read this very interesting article by Greg Ogden, titled... 5 Critical Flaws of the One-on-One Discipleship Model . Here's a question to wrestle... Did Jesus primarily do one-on-one discipleship like we are currently doing?         More to chew on here... *  Instead of one-on-one, try Disciplemaking Learning Communities . * What's the difference between discipleSHIP and DiscipleMAKING ? * 6 FREE podcasts on discipleMAKING . * Why

The Disciplemaker's Prayer in Ten Languages

Get the Disciplemaker's Prayer in ten different languages here ! And now, just for fun: The Disciplemaker's Prayer in Hip Hop (Click image below to enlarge for viewing.) A must watch video... With orphans in Africa (in English) Even more fun with the Disciplemaker's Prayer... * Video: In your car on your way to school * And like this too . * I dare you. * Why and how. Subscribe: Let me encourage you most Mondays ! Let's Connect!     Instagram          Facebook           Twitter       

Brand New: The M.A.D. Student Bible

Sometime ago, my dear friend,  Dr. Ken Castor , invited me and 29 others to participate in creating a brand new out-of-the-box study Bible for the next generation.   The Make a Difference student Bible    is hot off the press!  Here's WHY the M.A.D Bible is so needed right now . There's never been a study Bible for students quite like the M.A.D (Make a Difference) Bible ! It was so much fun to contribute to this Bible especially for students . I loved helping to write the introduction to the Old Testament and the introduction to the book of Leviticus. Yeah. That's right. Leviticus . There's so much to unpack about the M.A.D. Bible ! (Click on image above for viewing and reading.) Did I mention that this M.A.D study Bible is for the next generation —so they can "make a difference" for Jesus Christ in the world? Hanging out with Dr. Ken Castor at Ignite Youth Leadership Conference . Explore more about the M.A.D Bible here... Instagram Facebook Get yours at www.