You Can Take the Man Out of Youth Ministry, but...

Click any picture to enlarge. Over the course of my life so far, I've worked at a YMCA, a juvenile detention center, a factory, as a youth pastor in a local church, a public school English teacher, and, for the last 23 years, the executive director of Cadre Missionaries . (I still don't know what I want to be if I grow up.) However, on most Tuesday nights these days, you can find me and my fun/crazy friends volunteering —hanging out with students at Chillicothe Campus Life. What do we do to build authentic Christ-sharing relationships with students? We eat together. We get to know each other through questions . And we listen, share our stories , and share God's story. Meals. Stories. Questions. In other words, w e do exactly what Jesus did. It's simple AND transformational. Up to this point in my life, I had never been to a Youth for Christ "club" before. But my daughter, Sadey Rose , who leads the Chillicothe Campus Life Club, invited me to share...