"Always valuable spending time with you and the others in our disciplemaking learning community." —Pastor Tracey Pfeiffer Encounter Church, East Peoria, IL Rantoul, IL The Rantoul Area Disciplemaking Leadership Community i nvites you to invest a morning together... * Encouraging each other in the spirit of Romans 1:12 * Exploring the teaching genius of Jesus * Equipping pastors, volunteer teachers, and small group leaders Save the Date... (every 4th Thursday, Jan-April 2024) * Thursday, March 28th, 2024 * 8:30 AM to 12 Noon * All invited. Men and women. Volunteers and paid ministry leaders. Where? Jesus Is the Way Ministries 602 Liberty Ave Rantoul, IL 61866 Tuition * $15 for The Teaching Genius of Jesus book * If you, your church/ministry, or anyone you bring can’t afford the tuition, no problem. Join us! Just let me know ahead of time. * RSVP For more info on the content of the book, go here . Video Above: This is how we do training! The Peoria Area Disci
Love You!
I do my best to love God and people.... and do both of those while drinking coffee...
I'm just like you in that way... : )
Bill, how do you get the newsletter to post in miniature form in the blog and make it large when I click on it. Don't tell me that Dave does that for you too!