What God did in Rochester, MN, last weekend at the Mayo Civic Center

As you read through this post, please just bask in the goodness of the AWESOME God we love and serve... and give him thanks, praise, and glory... for THAT is why Im posting this.
My guilt is gone, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that God has forgiven me. Yes, the scars remain, but now instead of marks of shame and guilt, they stand as a symbol of God’s amazing power, for he found me from the depths and rescued me. I know that God will use me and my story to help others in the future, and he will turn what was bad into something that will help further his kingdom.
—from an email from a high school student

I wanted to thank you for the work you did in Rochester this past weekend. We had 21 kids from our church there, as well as 7 leaders. Three of our kids accepted Christ on Saturday night. Praise the Lord! It was a fantastic weekend. We watched our kids grow in Christ, we watched them grow closer to each other and we watched them worship with such enthusiasm. Thank you for the part you played in Gods mission at the conference.
God Bless you.
Blaine MN

God did do some Amazing stuff. My friend came to Christ that night, and I know a lot of others did too. I know it was all God's work and nothing you did. But i want to thank you for the ministry that you do, keep up the good work for God's Kingdom.
God Bless,

hey bill, i just want to thank you for being the speaker at Districts this weekend. I was one of the youth leaders. i know your talks were meant for the youth that were there but God used you. Thank you. God also really moved in the lives of students there. Two of my youth group gave their lives to God!!! Praise him for the work he's doing!!!

Hey Bill, thank you so much 4 speaking at districts in rochester!! i just wanted 2 tell you that on sat night God opened my eyes and let me c Him work and b4 that night i didnt even exactly know if there was a God. he spoke 2 me through u and By The Tree and i just opened up to my youth leader that night and i was just sobbing!! it really touched my heart!! thank you again!
—an email from a student

What a ride... thanks for taking it with God, Cadre, and the Allisons via Cup O' Joe!


Pheaney said…
Is that a 'Camper of the Week' shirt you're wearing? No Way! I totally want one.

On a more spiritual note... thanks for updating us on the ministry. It's awesome to read about.
Luke W. said…

you know that feeling you get when God touches your heart?

for me, my eyes start to water.

right there. keep it up Bill.
Melissa said…
Yah God!

It seems to me the message of this post to your readers is keep yourself available and God will do great things! Thanks for all that you do Keep up the great work and thinks for sharing the journey with us via Cup O' Joe.

God Bless,
floorguy said…
Praise God!

I am blown away how God continues to work through you to spread his word and wisdom. you and your faithfulness to God and Christ's commandment of the "Great Commission" has been truely blessed!

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