What is this sign really saying?

It's amazing what you see when you're driving through Alabama!

Okay, I hope this brought at least a smile to your face.

But is there something deeper going here? What do YOU think about the message of the sign?

Now click the comment link below and let's converse.

FYI, I'll wait until I have several comments before I publish them... so please don't wait for others to go first.


Rick said…
I guess every church needs a "mantra" of some sort...
Eileen Harmon said…
I go to church and he STILL tries. Fact is, I'm a child of God and the devil is out to get Him, so with Christ in me I'm not immune but do have God's power to overcome Satan's fiery darts--wherever I am!
Anonymous said…
In Ala\bama/ the devil carries a scythe instead of the traditional pitch-fork...

And if you don't go to church, he'll take you "down to Georgia" and make you play a fiddle.
Anonymous said…
seriously? How often do I have to go to be safe? Which church? Who tells him to keep his hands off me because my attendence is up to date?
Unknown said…
To throw in two cents that may or may not be mine to throw...

It seems to me that the message of the sign should be: "Commit your soul to Christ, or the Devil will get you..."

Definitely Christian fellowship is one of the most important tools in our walk with Christ. But explain how Church could possibly take the place of Christ. It seems like a lot of times though that's the message that we send sometimes... as long as you're coming to church every Sunday, then you can't be doing too bad.
ringels said…
seems to me that the more of Christ's work I'm getting done, the more the devil's out to get me, so I think the sign is wrong. :)

I guess it depends on the church, too.

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