Now THAT'S Da Sciplemaking...

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Train up a child in the way she should go and when she is old, she will not depart from it. I'm guessing Ivy's first words will be, "Da Bears." That's Da Sciplemaking.

Training some high school and college students to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciplemakers at Timber-Lee Camp in East Troy earlier this month.

Aubrey, a senior in high school this year, was inducted into the National Honor Society.  When I was in high school, I never got an invitation to be a part of the NHS. That's the benefit of having a wife who was valedictorian. (I've always said it took a smart woman to recognize what a gem I was.) Chalk this picture up to my wife's disciplemaking :  )

Earlier this month, we loaded 11 guys from the Peoria area into our slowly dying 15 passenger van to spend the day with those in the Chicago Area Disciplemaking Learning Community that meets at Dave and Rennie Garda's home. 

This is how we spent the day together at the Chicago Area Disciplemaking Learning Community. (Interested in brining this training agenda to your ministry? Click below and let me know by leaving a comment.)

Training volunteer teachers and small group leaders in The Teaching Genius of Jesus earlier this month at St. Paul Baptist Church in Peoria, IL.

We have another aspiring driver in the house. That's right. I'll have more gray hair, lose sleep, and get older faster as Josey works her way through the 50 required hours she needs before she gets her license. Pray for me.

Earlier this month: Training volunteer youth leaders at Central Church of Christ in Streator, IL, to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciplemakers.

A special dad/daughter date to a play. I am the most blessed man on earth! Fathering IS disciplemaking.

Earlier this month: Speaking to students in Kimberly, WI, at The Power of One Festival.  Can you guess what my message was about? It might have been something about Loving God, Loving People, and Making Disciples.  Might.  :  )

THANK YOU for stopping by long enough to view all of these pictures! We can't do Cadre without friends like you who love, pray, and give. For more information about how you can partner with God, the Allisons, and Cadre Ministries, go here. To make a secure online tax-deductible donation, go here.  Cadre Ministries is a recognized 501(c)3 ministry.  From our hearts to yours, THANK YOU!

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