Disciplemaking + Ice Cream = Adventure

All of Jesus' followers are called to make disciples. 
Some of us eat a lot of ice cream while we do it.

Picture Below: What's more fun than lots of snow, a rocking band, 400 plus junior high students and their youth leaders, and the best camp ever? Nothing. Why? Because it's an adventure! It was my honor to be the camp speaker in January for a Winter Extreme Weekend. A bunch of students indicated that they trusted Christ as Savior… a bunch more reconnected with God. Very… very cool.  (Click any image below to enlarge for better viewing.)

Also in January: I spoke to youth pastors and their wives at a retreat especially for them and their marriages in Wisconsin. Of course, my text for the retreat was the Song of Solomon :  ) It was an SOS adventure.

When I wasn't speaking, Stacy and I got lots of time connecting with other couples… encouraging them… it's what we love to do. Also in January, we traveled to Iowa where we did training Friday-Sunday on the theme of loving God, loving people, and making disciplemakers. It's always a joy to partner with New Life Christian Church.

While we were in Iowa, we may have visited Whitey's Ice Cream (the best ice cream ever) once… or twice. Not saying we did.  Just saying we MAY have.

In February, we invited everyone who has ever been a part of The Peoria Area Leadership Community (and their spouses) to a special day of encouragement and equipping with Cadre missionaries, Dave and Rennie Garda. We explored parenting as disciplemaking. It was a parenting adventure.

Also in February, we helped Crosspoint Community Church in Eureka, IL, launch Disciplemaking Is Relationships training via a four-part training workshop, weekly small groups, and an 8-week sermon series. How much fun is this?  Best. Adventure. Ever.

Then it was off to Denver, CO, to train Youth for Christ staff from all over the USA at the Midwinter Conference. Denver in February? Yes… it's called an "adventure" for a reason.

While in Denver, I may have worked in a little trip for ice cream and brownies with a friend or two. (Do you see the food theme of this post?)

Also in February, I spoke at New Hope Church in Villa Park, IL. One of my favorite pastors, Mike Klamecki, is a HUGE Elvis fan. Yes… that's an Elvis TV Tray. I know. You're jealous.

Here are some of the guys who are in the newest version of The Peoria Area Leadership Community. The older weaker guys are not pictured because they are too old to engage in the rigors of dodge ball. These are the old guys… who THINK they are still young.

Also in February: From all over the USA, youth leaders gathered in Minneapolis, MN, for two days to explore a Jesus-like disciplemaking way of life… together… as discussed in our training options.  Some of our fave peeps are in this picture below!

Is it really an adventure if you don't take some time to chill with old people?  I think not. While in MN, I worked in an early morning coffee time (old people get up really early anyway) with my impromptu GDLC… "Geriatric Disciplemaking Learning Community."  Nice old guys they are.

Okay… true confessions: I might have stopped at Ben and Jerry's ice cream at the MSP Airport on the way home from MN.  Might.  I'll let you decide if I did or not.  Did I mention Chunky Monkey or Coffee Buzz Buzz? Now THIS is an adventure… a YUMMY adventure. 

Also in February: Two of my favorite people from 1st Presbyterian Church in Princeville, IL, precisely because they have a great sense of humor :  ) It's all a part of our Ministry Is Relationships training. (Heart head boppers included.)

February wasn't all ministry stuff… it was also the start of Aubrey's indoor track season. Aubrey rocked it… and even Ivy stands in awe of her. :  )

Finally, in February, we had a blast at the Equip Conference in Peoria, IL, for two days. We always try to make it a family adventure.
Here's a fact: We couldn't take any of part of this Jesus-like disciplemaking adventure without people like you who love us, pray for us, and give to Cadre. You make our ministry powerful and possible. For more information about how you can partner with God, the Allisons, and Cadre Ministries, go here.  Cadre Missionaries is a recognized 501(c)3 ministry.

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