October is Pastor Appreciation Month

[Note that when we speak of appreciating pastors, we mean any and all pastors: senior pastor, associate pastor(s), youth pastor, children’s pastor, etc.]
Perhaps the greatest gift you could give your pastor(s) for Pastor Appreciation this October is a congregation that is equipped with the seven biblical ways God wants them to encourage the pastor.

It sure beats a generic card.

This 28-page booklet is great for Sunday school, small groups, and leadership gatherings—especially elders meetings.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to get busy equipping the congregation with what God says about encouraging the pastor!

Okay, the aforementioned generic card is way easier and less expensive... but in the long run equipping the congregation to live out their biblical responsibility to encourage pastors is way better for everyone.

* For a FREE downloadable six-page PDF sample excerpt, GO HERE.
* To order this booklet, GO HERE.
* To get this on iBooks, GO HERE.
* For Kindle, Nook, and other non-printable e-readers, GO HERE.

You, Me, and Coffee Monday... 
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