The Art of Prayerfulness: Thanking God for Orifices

An ancient prayer of thanksgiving that is to be said after using the bathroom...

"Blessed is he [God] who formed man in wisdom and created in him many orifices and cavities. It is obvious and known before your throne of glory that if one of them were to be ruptured or one of them blocked, it would be impossible for man to survive and stand before you." Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 60b, circa 400 AD

Yeah. I know. It's funny—in a junior high sort of way.

But I also think this prayer is instructive on many levels if you'll pause just a moment to think about it.

Evidently, ancient Jewish life was saturated in prayer... about everything.

Now consider this: The Bible commands us to "Pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." —1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

In light of the New Testament passage above, thanking God for orifices doesn't seem so strange, does it?

What could God do in your life if you grew from times of prayer (at church, meals, or bedtime) to include living a prayerful life?

How might God transform your life if you saturated every nook and cranny of your day with continual short prayers of thanksgiving... about everything... for just one day?

I dare you to try it... starting now... for just one day.

Let me know what God does.

More on prayerfulness here.


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