Why You Should Give Up Your Christianity

If you ask someone who goes to church if he/she is a Christian, you’ll most likely get a “Yes.”  However, if you ask the same person if he/she is a Christ-follower, you’ll probably get hesitation before any answer. 

When did being a Christian become a separate thing from following Christ?

What would happen if you quit being a “Christian,” and started following Jesus in every nook and cranny of your life?

I’m talking to YOU.

Think about it.   As a follower of Jesus, you’d simply endeavor to live your life like... Jesus.

And how did Jesus live?

Jesus made disciples... who made disciples... who made more disciples.

But HOW did he do that?

Jesus loved God and the people in his sphere of influence.

Jesus invested time with his disciplemaking friends—helping them to help others.

And that's how Jesus changed the world—and continues to change the world to this day.

How crazy (and exciting) would it be for you to live like Jesus?

As a follower of Jesus...

Your daily mission is to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).

Your daily strategy is to love God and love people (Mark 12:30-31.)

Your ministry model is disciplemaking friendship... a life following Jesus together with a cadre of disciples  (John 3:22).

And Jesus changes the world—one life at a time—through you and your cadre of disciplemaking friends, a.k.a., Christ-followers... as you love God, love people, and share God's story with them.

The fact is that you can’t really separate being a Christian from following Jesus. 

They are the same. 

So, if you think of yourself as a Christian, but your daily life doesn’t resemble the passion and pursuits of Jesus (the founder of authentic Christianity), I encourage you to give up your “Christianity” and take the adventure of learning to follow Jesus with a few others.

Don't know where to start?  Start here.    

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