Adventures in Disciplemaking Friendships

We are your Cadre missionaries of disciplemaking and encouragement. Here are some of our recent disciplemaking adventures—within the last month. Please continue to pray for us! Click any image below to enlarge for viewing. (Watch Barney sing, "Everything's Better with a Friend.")
With John King, one of my favorite Central IL pastors. October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Here's what you should do for YOUR pastor(s).

We set out to spread disciplemaking as a way of life in Davenport, IA, starting with the leaders of New Life Christian Church. We invested the weekend training leaders with the Disciplemaking Is Relationships training experience.

Our Sadey celebrated her 12th birthday with the traditional Allison breakfast in bed.

One of the four Wednesday nights of training I did at Riverside Community Church. It's fact: This generation wants to change the world. Here's how you can help them.

Exciting news! Cadre's book, Disciplemaker's Guide, went live on iBooks! The iBooks version is loaded with extra digital goodies such as four 30 minute audio training sessions, printable applications pages, and a unique way to access passages of Scripture referred to in the pages. Check out the iBooks version here. For printed copies and for other e-readers (Kindle, Nook, etc), go here.

Skyping with my disciplemaking friend, Grant Sheppard, International Director of World Sports Ministries in England. We wrestled what Jesus-like disciplemaking looks like, the key components of Disciplemaking Learning Communities, and where one starts in making disciples who make more disciples who make more disciples. Grant later wrote: "Thank you so much for all your disciplemaking tools you linked me to and for your time on Skype the other night. I found it inspiring and really helpful. Looking forward to journeying together on this."

The newest cohort group in the Peoria Area Leadership Community—a Disciplemaking Learning Community. We're a growing community of aspiring Jesus-like disciplemakers whose goal is to spread Jesus' disciplemaking way of life everywhere.

Making out with my girlfriend. She's also my wife of 25 years. I put this picture in to see if you're still reading.

Invested a day in training the leaders of Rock Church to find, develop, and deploy volunteers in their various ministries. The training is based on this book.  Chuck Tate, pastor of RC, is another of my favorite pastors in the Central IL area. Did I mention that October is Pastor Appreciation Month?

My son, Bill Allison, whom I love and am well pleased, turned 21. 

This is the first gathering of a brand new Disciplemaking Learning Community in Des Moines, IA. I can't wait to spend this school year following Jesus together with these guys.

Without you, there would be no Cadre Ministries and no Cadre missionaries. We need friends like you to pray, encourage, and partner with God and us. Would you prayerfully consider being God's wind in our disciplemaking sails?

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