Fun Training You Shouldn't Miss!
Thursday, August 1st, 5 pm
Community Free Church, Mahomet, IL.
There’s a lot of talk about disciplemaking these days. But what does that really look like in everyday real life? If you’re interested in exploring what Jesus-like disciplemaking looks like in a 21st century Western world, this training is for you! In each of the following three sessions below, we’ll look at a nonnegotiable for making disciplemakers like Jesus.
Session 1 Be a Disciple
Everything in life and ministry will try to pull you off the simplicity of following Jesus together.
Session 2 Who Makes Disciples
Following Jesus isn’t a subject to be mastered, but an infectious way of life that is lived together and shared with others.
Session 3 Who Make More Disciples
If those we disciple don’t make more disciples, then we haven’t made disciples like Jesus.
Training Materials?
Cost is $5 per person. Each person will receive a Disciplemaker's Living Guide for living and sharing what you learn with others.
Need More Info on Content?
Read The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus book.
Want to Schedule This Training?
Contact Bill Allison.
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