Disciplemaking should be the norm for EVERY follower of Jesus...

(To read this passage immediately in its context, go here.)

Did you get that?

The expectation is that those who are taught should teach others.

If those who are taught don't teach others, something is wrong.

Ever wonder why people grow old without ever growing up spiritually? Re-read Hebrews 5:12 above again.

In other words...
The writer of the book of Hebrews expects every follower of Jesus to grow up and become a disciplemaker.

Do you?

If not, why not? Seriously. Answer that.

Generally, in North America, we are NOT making disciples who make more disciples.

Perhaps part of the problem is that we're getting exactly what we expect—which isn't much.

Ever wonder how you can swim against this current and make a difference?

The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus shows us this: True leaders don't create more followers. They create more leaders.

Make no mistake about it: According to the Bible, disciplemaking is the expected norm for every person who claims to follow Jesus.

Even junior highers and stay-at-home moms and working moms. And people who aren't employed by churches or ministries. And even people who ARE employed by churches and ministries.

So, are you going to click away from this post now—or are you going to do something about it?

If yes, start right here.

But you can't take a disciplemaking journey by yourself. With whom do you need to share this post for further discussion?

If you're REALLY hungry for what this post is talking about—and you want some helpful next steps—contact Cadre Ministries.

[Note: I rediscovered the above passage because of thisHere's why you should do it too.]


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