Thanking God for what He did in Central IL...

It was my honor to speak to about 500 students and youth leaders at the Illinois State Youth Convention for the Church of God on November 21-23, 2014 in Peoria, IL. As you scroll down to view pictures and read notes I've received from students and youth leaders, please breathe a prayer of thanksgiving to God—because He made it happen! (Click any image below to enlarge for viewing.)
Citizen Way was the worship band for the weekend and they did a great job. "This weekend was a life changer! I'm so glad I came!" —a student via Twitter

The theme of the conference was Jesus in 3D: Designer, Deliverer, and Defender. (Photo curtesy of Kevin DeHoff, DeHoff Photography.) "Bill, thank you for your time and testimony this weekend. God was amazing and I learned so much." —a youth leader via Facebook
It was so much fun to hang out and connect with students and youth leaders from all over the state of Illinois. "I'd like to thank you for your ministry this weekend. I never knew what it meant to be saved, but now I do... and am." —a student via Twitter

On Saturday morning, I led a special Cadre training experience just to encourage and equip the youth leaders. Here's what I did with them. "One of the students asked me to take the 21 Day Challenge with her (read thorough the Gospel of John 1 chapter a day for 21 days). It made my day that she asked me to join her!" —a youth leader via Twitter

"Dear Bill, I would just like to take the time to thank you for giving those wonderful speeches at the PEORIA youth convention. I love the fact that in the last speech you did, you were able to open up about your own personal experience. I'm not, or I guess I am slightly now, a religious person, but you alongside of the band and everyone else that was there, opened my eyes to a new extent. It was wonderful, and I could not ever express to you how much I appreciate your speeches. I hope to hear you again, thanks again!" —a student via Facebook (Photo curtesy of Kevin DeHoff, DeHoff Photography.)

On Friday night and Saturday night, students and youth leaders flooded the altar to do business with God. "I would be willing to bet that in heaven they are still partying from this weekend. This was the most powerful weekend of my entire life. After your message about making sure that God is in the driver's seat of your life and not stuffed in the trunk, all I could do was fall on my knees and surrender my life to Jesus. Along with me, almost everyone in the room was on their knees praying and there are many new followers of Jesus! I would really like to thank our youth leaders for being there for me because they know my story and anytime I need to I can always talk to them and they will do whatever they can to help me and encourage me to keep my faith." —a student via Facebook
I really enjoyed partnering with Citizen Way. Their love for Jesus and students is real and infectious. "Just wanted to say I loved all three of your sermons this weekend at ISYC. Saturday night God had me in tears, and I think Im ready to let Jesus in the driver's seat." — a student via Facebook

Now say it with me...
"Thank you God!"

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