I double dog dare you...

Here's a crazy thought:
When we pray, God answers.
That's why I'm challenging you to pray the Disciplemaker's Prayer each day for the next 21 days—to see what God might do in and through you.

I know. You're already thinking of reasons why you can do this. I get it. That's our human nature, isn't it?

Yet, most of the people I know say they want to grow closer to God. Well, consider this post to be your invitation to the adventure of taking your relationship with God to a new level via prayer.

Okay, let me be a little more direct: I double dog dare you.

Here's a short, true story that explains why I'm inviting you to take this challenge/adventure.

Let's keep it real here people. It will probably take you less than one minute to do this every day. (I prayed it again slowly just now and it took me about 40 seconds.)

More Crazy/Fun Ideas to Consider...
1. Invite your family and friends to do this prayer challenge/adventure with you right now.

2. Print and share this PDF of the Disciplemaker's Prayer with them or just go to www.DisciplemakersPrayer.com.

3. The Disciplemaker's Prayer comes from seven passages of Scripture. (They are listed under the title on the image above.)  Look up the passages and try to find where each of the passages are in the prayer. Better yet, do with with your spouse, family, friends, small group, Sunday school, etc.

4. Please let us know what God does in and through you as a result your prayers. We'd love to hear from you.

One Last Caveat...
Prayer isn't about mindlessly saying lots of words over and over again without any thought or heart behind the words. So please don't misunderstand what I'm inviting you to do here. I'm not inviting you to read the disciplemaker's prayer everyday. I'm inviting you to commune with God via prayer that is rooted in God's Word. I'm challenging you to the adventure of touching the very heart of God via prayer and being transformed by God's heart for you and those around you.

I'll say it again:
When we pray, God answers.

So what are you waiting for?

Now Available:
* The Disciplemaker's Prayer post-card size and business-card size.
Disciplemaker's Prayer/Cadre Missionaries coffee mug.

You, Me, and Coffee Monday... 
Let me encourage you and and make you think 1 stinking time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...
1. Go here and submit your email.
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You can unsubscribe at any time with no questions asked simply by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email you receive from Cup O' Joe with Bill. Honest. You got nothing to lose. Try it.


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