Seldom Resist the Urge to Be Generous. It's Probably Not the Devil.

When I was about 20-years-old and in Bible college, I took a rare weekend to head home to visit family and friends. Most weekends for me at this time were given over to my job. I paid my own way through Bible college by working every hour I could. And when I wasn't working, I was studying. Unlike my high school years, I was determined to put forth my best academic effort.

Being home that weekend with my mom and my friends from church was a joy and a much-needed encouragement to my soul.

On Sunday at church, as the offering plate was being passed around the congregation, I got a clear prompting from God to give. As a poor college kid, I often let myself off the hook on giving. But this time—in response to the nudging—I looked into my wallet.

I saw one very lonely $5 bill.

And I was well aware of the fact that I needed that $5 for gas to get back to school.

What to do?

As the offering plate made its way around the congregation toward me, my struggle intensified. I tried to logic my way out of God's nudging. (You ever do that?) And just when I assured myself that God would want me to keep that $5—the offering plate passed by and I did something crazy: I tossed that $5 into the plate.

I was filled with exhilaration... and fear.

Sure, I did what I sensed God wanted me to do. But now I had another problem. And that was all I could actually think about during the rest of the church service.

When the church serviced ended, I was approached by a gentle giant of a man with short pure white hair and a warm smile on his bright wrinkled face. He was at least 50 years my senior. It was my friend, Alfred Huggins. He put out his huge hand to shake mine. When I shook his hand, he stealthily put something into my hand without anyone else noticing. Al winked at me.

I looked down into my hand, and there was a $5 bill.

This true story is a perfect picture of what our lives have been like for the last 15 years as disciplemaking missionaries with Cadre.

This September 2017 marks the 15th birthday/anniversary of Cadre Missionaries!

For 15 years, God and YOU have made it possible for us, as Cadre missionaries, to multiply Jesus-like disciplemaking here and around the world.

From our hearts to yours, thank you!

If you love Cadre missionaries and our disciplemaking mission, we invite you to be God's wind in our sails.

In honor of our 15th birthday, would you please prayerfully consider donating a special gift of $15?

Those of you who know us know that we don't often ask for financial support like this. However, on our 15th anniversary as a ministry, we need your $ help, so we're asking God's people—like you—to join us in this disciplemaking adventure. Each gift is a huge encouragement, much needed, and greatly appreciated. Because Cadre seeks to make disciplemakers, only Heaven will reveal the full impact of your partnership.

BONUS: The first 100 people to give $15 (or more) will have their gift matched AND receive a special edition Cadre Missionaries Prayer Coaster (see picture at the very top).

We'd love to see 500 of our closest friends respond with a special gift. That would bless Cadre with $9,000 much-needed dollars ($7,500 plus $1,500 matching gift).

Will YOU be one of our 500 friends?

If you've never financially supported Cadre Missionaries before, this would be a great first step. If you're already a $ partner with God and Cadre, then please prayerfully consider an additional $15 this month.

In a ministry like ours, every dollar makes a huge difference. Each gift—no matter the size—is a huge encouragement, much needed, and greatly appreciated.

Because Cadre seeks to make disciplemakers, only Heaven will reveal the full impact of your partnership.

We are your Cadre missionaries. Thank you for celebrating 15 years of Jesus-like disciplemaking with us and to God be the glory!

Bill Allison
Executive Director
Cadre Missionaries

To donate $15 securely online now, go here.
* Mail a check: Cadre Missionaries, PO Box 278, Sycamore, IL 60178

Other giving options...
To give more than $15 securely online now, go here.
To support a Cadre missionary on a monthly basis, go here.
* For questions and more info, please call Rennie at 815.501.3132.

Cadre Missionaries is a recognized 501(c)3 not-for-profit ministry and all gifts are tax deductible.


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