Rapture Fever and the Prophecy Industrial Complex

Whenever I hear of someone claiming that Jesus is coming back on a certain date or specific time frame (which is surprisingly more often than one might think), I'm like, this feels strangely familiar. Let me explain...


So please pardon my incredulity. As you can see (above), I've lived through more than a few episodes of Rapture Fever within the American Christian community over the years. (Including this one in the 1980s).

And this one in 2024: FYI—just for clarity, an eclipse is not necessarily an apocalypse. Just saying.

All that to say...

I'm sticking with Jesus on this: "no one knows the day or the hour...." Matthew 24:36

Ironically—and sadly, so many Christians are investing huge amounts of time and energy trying to figure out that which Jesus himself said he did not know.


Think about it.

One reason just might be the Prophecy Indu$trial Complex feeding our seemingly insatiable appetite for all things end of the world.

I guess going to prophecy conferences and approaching the Bible like it's a lock to be picked is more fun and entertaining for many of us in the West.

Meanwhile, for the most part, we are not living out one of the last and clearest commands Jesus gave us: to make disciples—who make more disciples—who make even more disciples.

Disciplemaking. It's not very sensational. It doesn't sell a lot of books. You probably won't become YouTube famous.

But you might hear: "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

Chew on that for a while.

Beware of Rapture Fever.

Interested in the book of Revelation? 

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