Why Focus on Disciplemaking?

"All you ever focus on is disciplemaking. When is Cadre going to do something new?"

Those were the words of a friend of mine. I love him deeply. And I still do : )

I smiled and said, "When King Jesus gives us new marching orders, then I will focus on that. Until then, the last I heard was, 'Go and make disciples….’"

I know. The newest thing is always so... sexy, cool, and shiny. And there is always a new thing coming down the pike.

But this is precisely where we must not confuse that which is sensational with that which is significant.

Cadre has never been—nor ever will be—sensational. But the Jesus we follow has given us a very significant way of life and mission: to make disciples who make disciples—who make more disciples.

As Cadre Missionaries, our passion is proliferating Jesus-like disciplemaking.
* It's what we aspire to live and do.
* With everyone.
* Everyday.
* Everywhere.

But here's a fact: We need your help.

We can’t multiply disciplemakers without friends like you who $ partner with God and us. Not joking. 

So we're asking you to prayerfully consider this question:
Can you help us?

If you can't, we love you. (period) Our friendship is NOT on the line.

If you can, go here.

Trust us when we say that no $ gift is too small and any gift will be deeply appreciated. From our hearts to yours, THANK YOU for investing in disciplemaking—and changing the world forever. Thank you for being God's wind in our disciplemaking sails with Cadre Missionaries.

Here are two other FUN ways to $ partner with God and Cadre Missionaries...

1. Shop on Amazon and bless Cadre Missionaries. Designate "Cadre Missionaries" as your preferred not-for-profit recipient.

2. Purchase Cadre's BRAND NEW disciplemaking book—all proceeds go directly to Cadre's disciplemaking mission.

You, Me, and Coffee Monday... 
Let me encourage you and make you think ONE time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...
1. Go here and submit your email.
2. Check your email to confirm.
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