YOUR Disciplemaking Learning Community...

(Click any image to enlarge for viewing.)

"Bill, I love being a part of PALC and look forward being a part of the PALC Ongoing gatherings. PALC is the most encouraging thing in my life right now. Thanks for investing your life in pastors and ministry leaders like me."
—Pastor Joe Horn, Chillicothe Bible Church, IL.

PALC (The Peoria Area Leadership Community) is a Disciplemaking Learning Community (DLC).

Yes, that's right. PALC is a DLC. Now stay with me for a minute.

What's a DLC?

I'm so glad you asked. (*Wink : )

"A DLC is a cadre of disciplemaking friends who gather regularly to study, live, and share a Jesus-like disciplemaking way of life together—and with others at least three generations deep" (The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus, page 6). We've seen God bring so much lasting fruit from our DLCs. To God be ALL the glory! And that's precisely why we'll continue to be a part of initiating DLCs for the rest of our lives. 

So how about you and your DLC?

Yes, I'm looking at YOU.

Your disciplemaking adventure starts with this simple but life-changing prayer. I kid you not. And I challenge to start praying it with your family and friends everyday! See what God might do.

Want to hear more true disciplemaking friendship stories? This is for you.

Need something to help you facilitate your DLC? Try this.

Want more info about DLCs? This is for you.

Finally, you might be interested in your family as a DLC.

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