Disciplemaking Pastors—Part 2

John Vanne is a youth pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL. He's on the right above.

John did something CRAZY recently.

On a Saturday morning, John pulled together some of the volunteers who serve in youth ministry with him... and get this: He didn't just organize them. He encouraged them and trained them. See pic below.
Like I said, John is crazy... crazy like Jesus.

Here's how he started the training...
See what John's doing here? 

The phrases highlighted inside the actual prayer correspond to one (or more) of the passages of Scripture at the top. Where the colors match is where that part of the prayer has it's genesis in the Bible.

It turns out that The Disciplemaker's Prayer is way more than a prayer.  It's a fun, short Bible study for a cadre of disciplemaking friends and a way of life that is experienced together and shared with others.

Dream with me for minute. How might God answer this prayer?

What would that look like?

What could happen if every volunteer ministry leader in John's youth ministry lived out The Disciplemaker's prayer and actually made a disciple—who makes more disciples?

Better yet...
What might God do in your life if you dared to do this training exercise with you family, small group, Sunday School, Bible study, ministry, elders, pastoral staff, etc,?

I dare you to find out.

(This pic from Community Free Church, Mahomet, IL.)

Let me know how God answers your prayer so I can celebrate God with you!

Heavenly Father, please give every church pastors and volunteer ministry leaders who make disciples—who make more disciples, ad infinitum.
In Jesus' name, amen.

More here if you dare...
* Did you miss Disciplemaking Pastors—Part 1? Go here.
* Are you just organizing volunteers?

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