The Challenge of Being a Disciplemaking Pastor—Part 2

I’m walking through The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus book with key ministry leaders in our church. Here’s how we’re doing it: We read a portion of the book and then gather for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant to wrestle scripture and explore what it looks to be leaders who live a Jesus disciplemaking way of life together—that overflows to others.

Frankly, this hasn’t been easy for us because running actives and programs is way easier than the hard work of being friends who aspire to live and share disciplemaking as a way of life together.

After our first gathering, one of our leaders said, “I was really torn up inside after our meeting, but it was a good thing.” Seeking to live the disciplemaking genius of Jesus together is a challenging—but necessary—shift for our church leadership.

To further help equip and encourage us on this journey, you brought the The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus Training Experience to our volunteer church leaders [see pics below]. Better yet, you brought Pastor Steve Waggoner and the two of you trained and encouraged us. Thanks for modeling disciplemaking friendships that multiply even in the way you shared the training with us.

Now we’re looking at how our monthly leadership gatherings can become “Disciplemaking Learning Communities” where we continue to encourage and equip each other in Jesus-like disciplemaking friendships that multiply.

So here’s how we’re starting to move forward: I’m investing time living and practicing the disciplemaking genius of Jesus with the primary church leaders—so they can do the same at home, work, and in their respective ministries within our church. The goal for us as a church is to be intentional about spending “time with” one another in study, prayer, life as worship and loving others as we follow Jesus together and make disciples—who then make more disciples.

Just like Jesus did.

All that to say this: Thank you for being a disciplemaking friend to me and our church for all these years.

Pastor Jason Schifo
Community Free Church, Mahomet, IL

We can bring The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus training experience 
to the volunteers in your church or ministry! Details here.

Better yet: We can equip YOU to take disciplemaking training 
to the volunteers in your church! Like these folks.

In case you missed it...

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