Our Disciplemaking Mission Trip...

We're heading out very soon for an 11-day disciplemaking mission trip that will strategically take us to pastors and volunteer ministry leaders in UT, AZ, and NV. Many of the churches and ministries we'll be working with are the only Gospel believing presence in their towns and counties. 

We need your help in two ways...

1. Would you please pray for us RIGHT NOW?
Please pray for Bill, Stacy, Ivy, and Derrick Smothers.

2. Can you help us $?
We are asking God for $1,500 to cover training materials, travel expenses, and a few meals when we’re not being hosted by friends. 
* To give right now securely online, go here.
* To give right now securely via PayPal, go here. (Include note: “Allisons”)
* To give via regular mail, send a check to Cadre Missionaries, PO Box 278, Sycamore, IL, 60178 (Include note: “Allisons”)

Every little bit of $upport—whatever the amount—is a huge help, much needed, and deeply appreciated!

[Note: If you're wondering why UT, AZ, and NV, this is for you.]

From our hearts to yours, THANK YOU SO MUCH for every prayer you breathe and every penny you give! 

We really are your disciplemaking missionaries.

Bill, Stacy, and Ivy
p.s. For a very encouraging story about what God is doing in these parts of the country, go here and watch the video.


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