How You Can Lead a 90-Minute Disciplemaking Learning Community—and have lunch at the same time!

What's a Disciplemaking Learning Community (DLC)?
Find out here.
How to Lead a 90-Minute DLC...
1. The first 30 minutes is enjoying a meal together. Eating together is a big deal for disciplemaking friends. Think about how often people in the Bible enjoy a meal together. Of course, our focus is not not WHAT we're having for lunch, but about WHO is around the table WITH us—for "man does not live by bread alone."

2. The next 15 minutes is one-on-one (man to man and woman to woman) talking about what we're currently encouraged about (2.5 minutes for each person) AND what is sucking the life out of us (2.5 minutes per person). Then each person prays for other based on what is shared.

3. The next 15 minutes of this particular gathering was invested in exploring How to Lead Those Who Lead You (i.e., How to Lead Up without Sucking Up). First, I put everyone in three different study groups and then I gave each of the three groups a different passage from Proverbs that explores how to lead those over us.

 4. The next 15 minutes I put one person from each of the three groups together to form a new group of three—and, using the passage from Proverbs that they had already studied, they taught each other what they learned about leading.

5. The last 15 minutes we quickly revisited each passage of Scripture and asked: 
* Which one of these passages most applies to your life right now?
* What did you hear God say to you?
* How will you respond? 

After a short quite reflection on these three questions (about a minute or so), we did one more one-on-one so each person could shared their next step in leading up. Then we prayed for each other one last time—praying that each of us would  follow through on whatever God prompted us to do next. 

Then, as always, we conclude with The Disciplemaker's Prayer.

Like this...
Not gonna lie: Whenever we gather for these 90-minute Disciplemaking Learning Communities, it's always the best 90 minutes of my day.

Are YOU interested in gathering a few people for a 90-minute Disciplemaking Learning Community over lunch?

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