FREE Audio Especially for Cup O' Joe Subscribers

All you have to do is click the play button below...

I had the honor of sitting down with the legendary Eli Beltran of Youth for Christ—on his radio program. In 24 minutes, we explored the following...
* Why are disciplemaking moms so important?
* Can our struggles make us better disciplemaking friends?
* Is real ministry something that happens mostly on a stage?
* What does it look like to live like Jesus today?
* Is the Jesus you're following the one in the Bible?
* Why is living out your faith so compelling to others?
* Is disciplemaking for every follower of Jesus?
* Why is "Down-Low Disciplemaking" a better approach sometimes?
* How important is eating together for disciplemaking friendships?

For Cup O' Joe with Bill Subscriber's ONLY
Subscribe to Cup O' Joe with Bill by March 4, 2020 and I'll send you a postcard-size Disciplemaker's Prayer we talked about in the audio above! 
Two Simple Steps to Subscribe...
1. Go here and submit your email.
2. Check your email to confirm.
If you're already a subscriber, email me and ask for the Disciplemaker's Prayer.


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