The Quarantine Life: That magical intersection of family, fun, arguments, coffee, and ice cream...

I know. At this moment in history, we aren't in a "fun" time. I totally get it. However, I would like to suggest that this is no time to lose our sense of humor. So, while we're all quarantined and pretty much glued to the latest news and updates, I hope this post will at least bring a smile to your otherwise serious life.

Above: If you don't get this Chuck Norris joke, go here.

It's only funny because it's true.

A very important part of our quarantine survival kit is Whitey's Ice Cream topped off with Dave and Rennie Garda's magical espresso in a Cadre coffee mug. (More fun disciplemaking and ice cream adventures here.)

Have you ever had an affogato? Here's your virtual affogato from Cup O' Joe with Bill. What's in your quarantine survival kit—besides toilet paper?

Speaking of toilet paper....

I've never been more thankful to God for little (but very important) things like toilet paper. I recently prayed, "Thank you God for toilet paper." Not kidding. How about you?

Want to help me fill out my brackets for #MarchSadness?

I can honestly say that I've washed my hands more than ever before. How about you?

One of the positives of the quarantine has been Time With (TW) with family.

And—to keep it totally real—we've also had some moments when all this time together has not been all that positive. We've laughed, argued, and cried together. (Which, by the way, is what happens in a normal family.) Has this also been true for you?

Here are the three news sources I trust the most. Thanks for reading all the way to the end of this post. Hope you at least smiled. We thank God for you. The first subscriber to email me using "CupOJoeSubscriber" in the  subject line by March 25, 2020, will receive a free copy of The Disciplemaker's Guide to Grow, Minister, and Lead book.

You, Me, and Coffee Monday... 
Let me encourage you and make you think ONE time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...
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