Disciplemaking Friendships in a Pandemic...

Encouraging News: We're busy doing what we've always done—aspiring to make disciplemakers—pandemic of no pandemic! Read on...

(Click any image below to enlarge for viewing.)
Recently, I met with 28 next-generation ministry leaders from all over the nation via Zoom (see pic above). The young man in the highlighted yellow frame on top right leading this gathering is our disciplemaking friend, Jake Bland. About 20 years ago, Jake was in our very first Disciplemaking Learning Community here in Central IL (which we affectionately call the Peoria Area Leadership Community or PALC). Stacy and I had the honor of walking alongside of Jake and his wife, Ali, as their premarital coaches. Jake is a national ministry leader who currently serves as Vice President at Youth for Christ USA in CO. God is using him to touch many lives around the world for the extension of Jesus' Kingdom and God's glory.

Above: This is what some of the guys in PALC look like on Zoom. Scary. I know. We're Zooming about once a week now to do our best to study, live, and share Jesus-like disciplemaking friendships that multiply. But that's challenging to do via Zoom. We hope to be physically present in each other's lives once again as soon as possible. Why? Because Zoom is a great way to stay connected during a pandemic, but it's not a replacement for Jesus-like incarnational disciplemaking friendships.

During this time of quarantine, we've been busy with a new project—A Disciplemaking Manifesto! Here's a question I dare you to ponder: How can YOU—and EVERY believer in Jesus—engage the Great Commission in your everyday life? That's exactly what our FREE Disciplemaking Manifesto is all about. And you can share it with your friends, students, family, volunteers, and ministry. Download it, read it, and wrestle it together. Go here.

Proof that the Coronavirus can't stop Jesus' disciplemaking movement from multiplying. Our dear disciplemaking friend, Crazy Pastor Steve, sent this picture to me. If you don't know what "Kavanah" is and why it's so important for disciplemaking friendships, find out here.

More proof that a pandemic can't stop Jesus' disciplemaking movement from multiplying: Doug Rumbold, Northfield Christian Fellowship, Tremont, IL, begins a new small group around The Disciplemaker's Living Guide!

All this above to say this: THANK YOU for your friendship, prayers, and $ partnership with the Allisons and Cadre Missionaries during this particularly challenging time. We are so encouraged because of Jesus and friends like you. We promise to continue to do everything we possibly can to multiply your investment in us—into many others... who will make even more disciplemakers—all for the extension of Jesus' Kingdom and God's glory alone. Only God will be able to count the eternal impact you are having!


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