From Our Hearts in Three Parts...

Part 1
In this crazy world, we find great comfort in Jesus—and friends like you.

Yes, in the midst of sheltering-in -place, we are busy being disciplemaking missionaries—locally and all over the map via different and creative ways like Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime. 

So make no mistake about it. The march of the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues and Jesus' disciplemaking way of life keeps multiplying—Coronavirus or not.

However, I want to humbly and gently remind you that we need your prayers and $ partnership especially now more than ever.

If you can help us at any level, go hereAnything and everything helps us a ton and is deeply appreciated. 

One other request: How can we pray for youEmail us and let us know how. We will PRAY RIGHT NOW (or at least when we check email : )

Thanking God for you and your partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

Bill for all of us

Part 2
Wondering what Cadre is up to during this time of quarantine? We're getting ready to release this FREEBIE—A Disciplemaking Manifesto—and Cup O' Joe with Bill subscribers will be among the very first to know! Stay tuned. Tell your friends.

Part 3
As a family, to prepare our hearts for celebrating the resurrection of Jesus this Easter, we've been watching the first season of The Chosen. It took me the first three episodes before I got attached to the characters and began to understand how this particular series on the life of Jesus is different than other series. My favorite thing: It has created a lot of good conversation in our family. (And I had one of the writers of this series in my freshman English class when I was a public school teacher.) You can watch full episodes now on Youtube—or via The Chosen app. Consider watching one a night up to Easter.
If video above doesn't appear, go here.

You, Me, and Coffee Monday... 
Let me encourage you and make you think ONE time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...
1. Go here and submit your email.
2. Check your email to confirm.


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