Disciplemaking Pastors...

It's difficult to fully explain how we encourage pastors around the country, but this picture might help!
Below is an email I recently received from another pastor...

Hey Bill,
Starting in January I launched a disciplemaking group with a few men that God had been nudging me to pull close. The experience has been a thrill. I've been very encouraged by the mutual encouragement that our disciplemaking group has experienced as we work through Cadre's Disciplemaker's Living Guide together. Each week we gather for disciplemaking friendship and sharpening.

Recently we started rotating who would facilitate our time together. Last week we were working through #4 "Disciplemaking Friendships." The person facilitating the time gave us all a takeaway challenge. The challenge was to write someone and thank them for the disciplemaking friendship impact that they have had on their lives.

I felt compelled to send you a brief thank you. Back in Peoria you set a stage for me to see and experience pastors and ministry leaders really pressing into the challenge of being disciplemakers together. The primary thing Jesus told us to do (make disciples...who make disciples) can sometimes be the hardest or last thing we do during our ministry week. While I was still in the area, those Thursday gatherings and the lunch gatherings were incredibly beneficial as I saw pastors in different ministry roles wrestling what it looks like to be a disciplemaker like Jesus in their homes, neighborhoods, and churches.

Now that I am a lead pastor in Wisconsin, one of my key goals for this first year was that I would be able to name at least 3-5 people that I have intentionally brought together for Jesus-like disciplemaking friendship.

By the grace and power of God (plus a little intentionality on my part) this has been accomplished. I'm not sure where God will lead us next but I believe God has a plan beyond our cadre group. These men are excited not just to huddle together but to also see a culture of relational discipleship spread to others; not through a discipleship program but through people who live out discipleship in their everyday lives.

Again, just want to say thanks for being a disciplemaking friend. Keep on spreading Jesus-like disciplemaking as a way of life with friends. It's contagious :)

Pastor Austin Branson
Grace Church, Walworth, WI
Pastor Austin Branson

* The true story of a disciplemaking pastor #5 

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