Disciplemaking Mission Trip: Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota, Here We Come!

We're off on a 3,000 mile, 16-day Disciplemaking Mission Trip in Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota. We're doing Cadre's disciplemaking training, preaching in churches, and encouraging vocational and volunteer ministry leaders everywhere we go. (FYI: We'll be in parts of the states that are less affected by Covid-19.) 

Can you help us?

1. Pray for us.
Would you please pray for us RIGHT NOW and throughout the next 16 days?

2. $upport us.
Can you help us toward our goal of $2,000 for travel, expenses, and training materials?

Summer can be a financially challenging time for missionaries like us, so a gift of any size at this time is much needed and deeply appreciated.

If you are willing and able to help us, go here
(Please attach note: "Allisons")

If you can't help, we still love you and we're trusting God to provide in some other way.

From our hearts to yours, THANK YOU for every prayer you pray and every penny you give!

We really are your disciplemaking missionaries—and you really are God's wind in our disciplemaking sails!

BONUS for Praying Friends!
Here's how you can pray for us and our summer disciplemaking mission trip over the next 16 days...

August 6
Pastor Jeff Jensen

August 7
Jake Bland, Vice President

August 8-10
Jarrod Briggs, Youth for Christ USA
Cotopaxi, CO

August 10
Dan Boal, Director of Youth Ministries
Colorado Springs, CO

August 11
Carson Greenhaw, Next Generation Pastor

August 12
Jake Bland and Pastor Joel Wood, 
Pastor Carson Greenhaw and Youth Pastors

August 13-14
Pastor Jeff Schwazentraub

August 14-16
Lincoln, NE
* August 15-16 Bill Preaching 

August 17-18
Travel to Aberdeen, SD

August 19-20
First Baptist Church, Aberdeen, SD

August 21
Travel back home


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