What God Did in NE, CO, and SD...

We've just returned home from our 16-Day Disciplemaking Mission Trip to NE, CO, and SD. If you prayed for us and/or $upported us—THANK YOU! We couldn't have done it without you. Here's a pictorial report back to you on what God did in and through us for His glory.

"It's always a joy to see the Allisons on their disciplemaking journeys. It reminds me of what the churches in the book of Acts must have felt when Paul and Barnabas came to visit. It's a joy-filled time of encouragement that brings life. I can't wait until the Boal and Allisons get to be together again in 2021 to encourage and equip pastors and church leaders from around the nation at the General Council gathering of the C&MA."
—Dan Boal, National Director of Youth Ministries
Christian and Missionary Alliance Denomination, Colorado Springs, CO

"Thanking God for the Cadre moments in our lives."
—Pastor Jeff Jensen and family
Geneva Evangelical Free Church, NE.

"We treasured the time together. Thanks for the pizza, the chocolate bread, and for blessing us with so much conversation and friendship."
—Jake and Ali Bland
Vice President of Youth for Christ, USA, Denver, CO

"Pure joy being with you guys. Thanks for the encouragement to be among brothers who are running hard after Jesus—imperfectly but faithfully. Much love."
With Pastor Joel Wood
Lighthouse Church, Parker, CO

So much fun with our dear friends, Jarrod and Ky Briggs, in Cotopaxi, CO. Jarrod works with Youth for Christ, USA in CO, and Ky is a counselor.

"Bill, Stacy, and Family: You blessed our youth leaders by reinforcing the movement of disciplemaking friendships that multiply. Your energy and thought-provoking questions sharpened my leaders in our mission of making disciples—who make more disciples. Our senior pastor participated in this training experience and was impacted by our time together. We are looking forward to seeing God's disciplemaking fruit—not only in our youth ministry—but also in our entire church as well!"
—Carson Greenhaw, Pastor of Students Ministries
New Life Community Church, Aurora, CO

"Kim and I were so encouraged by our time together with you and your family. Our whole staff is now reading The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus book together! We are looking forward to have you do some training with us soon."
—Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub
Founder and Lead Pastor of Brave Church, Englewood, CO

“Bill, these disciplemaking training experiences have been the perfect way to continue growing a disciplemaking culture at our church! People always leave better equipped and empowered to live out the Great Commission on a daily basis. I am recommending Cadre to other churches as a part of their discipleship strategy.”

—Paul Welch, Discipleship Pastor
Christ Place Church, Lincoln, NE

It was on this mission trip that we learned how to socially distance, wear masks, and still do our disciplemaking training experiences! Here we are leading Cadre's Ministry Is Relationships training experience with 100 volunteer and vocational ministry leaders in the sanctuary of Christ Place in Lincoln, NE. It was my joy to preach God's Word in the weekend services as well.

Disciplemaking is NOT a seminar, workshop, program, books, or a curriculum. It's a simple Jesus-like way of life that starts with you and your family—and then multiplies out from there—to everyone, everywhere until the entire world has Jesus as their King. More on this here.

On the last leg of this disciplemaking mission trip, we traveled to Aberdeen, South Dakota, where I spoke  to students from about 10 different local churches who gathered together to focus on how to live on mission with Jesus for the 2020 school year. The next day, we did disciplemaking training at First Baptist Church in Aberdeen. Our friends, Pastor Josh Matthews and his wife, Katie, made this time in SD happen—and we are so thankful for the Gospel partnership we share with them!

Here we are 3,500 miles later. Thank you for every prayer you pray and every penny you invest into our "Jesus-like disciplemaking-as-a-way-of-life" mission.

 "He traveled through that area speaking many words of encouragement..." Acts 20:2

Did I mention the nacho table in Cotopaxi, CO?

You, Me, and Coffee Monday...
Let me encourage you and make you think ONE time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...
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