The Prayer IS the Plan

The prayer IS the plan.

Click images above or below to enlarge for reading, praying and living.
Community Free Church in Mahomet, IL, prays The Disciplemaker's Prayer every Sunday together as a congregation. It's a simple and effective way to remind everyone that, as we leave the church building, we are to live on mission with Jesus throughout the week everywhere we go. What does that look like in everyday real life? The prayer IS the plan.

These are doors leading from the sanctuary of Community Free Church to the community of Mahomet, IL. Note what is posted above the doors. Indeed, the prayer IS the plan. No need to complicate things. It's simple. But simple because profound when we aspire, by God's help and power, to live it. We love it when the church gathers together—but we love it just as much when each person who attends church lives on mission with Jesus wherever he/she lives, works, and plays Monday through Saturday. (For more on every Christian living on mission with Jesus, go here.)

Here's short video Pastor Jason Schifo, Community Free Church, Mahomet, IL, praying The Disciplemaker's Prayer with his kids on the way to school. This makes me think of Deuteronomy 6:1-9. Did I mention that the prayer IS the plan? (If video doesn't appear, go here.)
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