Meanwhile in Albania and Alaska...

Meanwhile, Crazy Pastor Steve leads Cadre's Evangelism Is Relationships training experience with ministry leaders in Albania. Did I mention he's crazy?

Our disciplemaking friend, Pastor Nate Stenholtz (on the left), who also serves as an adjunct professor with Moody Bible Institute's Distance Learning, with one of his students in Alaska. Nate teaches a class that equips teachers to teach effectively—and the class uses Cadre's The Teaching Genius of Jesus book.

It's so much fun to help your friends help their friends to follow Jesus. 

God only knows where this disciplemaking multiplication goes after three generations of disciplemaking friendships

And that really all that matters, isn't it—that only God knows?

We think so.


Here's why: 
Because "...everything comes from him [God] and exists by his power and is intended for his glory." —Romans 11:36

"All glory to him who loves and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us. He has made us a Kingdom of priests for God his Father. All glory and power to him forever  and ever! Amen." —Revelation 1:5-6


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