Here’s to 19 years of doggedly staying on mission and NOT doing something new...

"All you ever focus on is disciplemaking. When is Cadre going to do something new?"

Those were the words of a ministry friend of mine. I love him deeply and we’re still friends : )

Something new? Hmm. 

I smiled and said, "When King Jesus gives us new marching orders, then I will focus on that. Until then, the last I heard from Jesus was, 'Go and make disciples….'”

We get it. We know that disciplemaking isn’t trendy, cool, or chic. And neither is Cadre Missionaries. But we don’t care. In fact, we are all the more determined to stay focused on the person of Jesus Christ (the one from the Holy Bible) and His disciplemaking mission.

Here’s to 19 years of doggedly staying on mission and NOT doing something new!

That’s right: This month we’re celebrating 19 years of making disciplemakers—like Jesus.

For 19 years, God and you have made it possible for us, as Cadre Missionaries, to give our lives to multiplying disciplemakers here, there, and everywhere. Thank you!

And make no mistake about it: We still need your help!

Or via mail: Cadre Missionaries, PO Box 278, Sycamore, IL 60178

We’d love to see 300 of our friends respond with a gift of $19. That would bless Cadre with $5,700 needed dollars.

If you’ve never supported Cadre Missionaries before, your first time engagement of $19 would be a huge encouragement to us. If you’re already on our support team, please consider an additional $19.

Will YOU be one of our 300 friends who invest in disciplemaking?

We couldn’t be Cadre Missionaries without friends like you. Thank you for 19 years of disciplemaking friendships that multiply—and to God be all the glory!

Bill Allison
Executive Director, Cadre Missionaries
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas.” Hebrews 13:8-9


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