One of Central Illinois' Best Kept Secrets...

Join me and host of others at Equip Ministries' Christian Worker's Coference, Friday and Saturday, February 22-23, 2008 at Peoria Christian School in Peoria, IL.
I'd LOVE for you to participate in the training workshops Cadre is offering this year! So Consider joining me for one or more of the following training options...
They're Driving Me Nuts! Four Causes of Behavioral Problems
We cause the majority of our own discipline problems in Christian education. Find out why--and more importantly--what you can do about it. Come all ye who are ready to take arsenic or give it to someone!
Friday, February 22, 10:45 AM
Train Volunteers--Don't Just Use Them
Do you simply use volunteers to fill the holes in your ministry--or do you develop and train volunteers to serve God effectively? If you want to learn how to begin to develop a culture of training in your church or ministry--so that volunteers are encouraged, equipped, and energized to serve God effectively in Ephesians 4:11-12 fashion--then this session is for you! Volunteers are encouraged to attend this workshop. Everyone will leave with a FREE volunteer training resource you download off the Internet and use immediately.
Friday, February 22, 2:45 PM
Your First and Most Important Job as a Volunteer Teacher in the Church
What's the best thing you can do for those you teach? You might be surprised at what you find out in this workshop. Come to learn by participating and having fun.
Friday, February 22, 4:30 PM
Caffeinated Volunteers: Twelve Ways to Motivate Volunteer
The effectiveness of your ministry is--to a large degree--dependent upon the motivation level of the volunteers. But what makes a volunteer tick? If you want to learn what motivates volunteers to serve well--then this session is for you. If you are looking to use and manipulate volunteers--then please don't come to this session.

For complete details and registration information, CLICK HERE.