19 Years and Counting...

* Above: Bill and Stacy at a Starbucks in Philedelphia, PA. It took three kids before she started drinking coffee, but I don't think there's any turning back now!

Yep... this Monday, June 11, 2007, makes nineteen years of extremly satisfying and sometimes extremely challenging marriage for us. Let's face it: Stacy is the saint in this relationship. What can I say? By God's grace, I married far above my ability... and, besides trusting Jesus Christ as my Savior at 15-years-old, marrying Stacy has been the second best decision I have ever made. To celebrate with us, leave a brief comment on this blog.

UPDATE 6/11/07: Home Alone... Sort Of...
For our 19th anniversary TODAY, I gave my wife the ultimate anniversary gift: seven days in Florida away... from me and the kids! Okay, it wasn't ALL my idea--it was a scheme that was hatched by four other women/moms in our small group--and had nothing to do with our anniversary--except that the dates of the get-away trip fell on our anniversary. It was such a God-opportunity that even Stacy couldn't refuse the offer to get away to Florida. Also, the timing and price of the trip was amazingly great. Pray for Stacy--for emotional, spiritual, and physical recharging... and to have a great time of fun and R & R with the other four women from our small group. Pray for me as I FATHER (not babysit) the fun journey of this week with the kids--and do Cadre--and make sure the house doesn't become a complete dump.


Anonymous said…
I totally agree with ALL OF THAT...

and Amy and I wish you both a happy day!

We love you guys!
Anonymous said…
Parenting tip....

Don't follow your gut insticts.
Anonymous said…
Congrats to you both! You've only "just begun"!
Dave & Sandie Murphy
Bill Allison said…
Anon/Dave and Sandie...
Yeah... I think next year I'm gonna get a Harley and take a solo trip down Rt 66... Just kidding... sort of.

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