The gaping hole in our understanding of Jesus and disciplemaking...

If we don't understand the differences between training
and speaking, teaching, and preaching, then there is a gaping hole in our understanding of how Jesus actually made disciples.

How is training different than speaking, teaching, and preaching?

What could a Jesus-like approach to training look like for you?

These are the primary questions designed to help you explore The Training Genius of Jesus.

But here's the catch: The Training Genius of Jesus isn't a book to be read, consumed, and forgotten. It's an interactive dialogue with a handful of disciplemaking friends who are wrestling how Jesus made disciplemakers.

Surprise! When it comes to training, if you're doing all the talking, you're doing it wrong.

Here's an excerpt from The Training Genius of Jesus

Who should you do this with?
* Church staff
* Small group leaders
* Volunteer ministry leaders
* Your family

How to Use The Training Genius of Jesus
It's as simple as this...
* Open the booklet.
* When prompted in the booklet, stop and wrestle the questions.
* If you have other questions, explore them.
* When you see a reference to a Bible verse, open your Bibles and read the Scriptures in their contexts.
* Note: You're probably doing it right when your study together leads to more questions and deeper conversations about applying what you're learning together.

For Cup O' Joe with Bill readers and friends of Cadre Missionaries, The Training Genius of Jesus is FREE for a limited time!

Can you share The Training Genius of Jesus with others? We'd be offended if you didn't share it with others.

Can you read The Training Genius of Jesus by yourself?  You can, but wouldn't it be way better if you walked through it with others? 

Thank you for reading Cup O' Joe with Bill and for being a friend of Cadre Missionaries.

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Anonymous said…
I am still TUNED.

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