A Summer of Fun and Ministry

Click on any of the images below to enlarge for reading... and THANKS for reading Cop o" Joe with Bill!


Melissa said…
Praying for you!

Have a safe and blessed summer!
Pheaney said…
I can't believe I made it into a Cadre newsletter. I'll probably have to start screening my calls I'll be so famous.
Bill Allison said…
Pheaney.... and I might add... you are very photogenic too. Hoping to still get out to COC sometime this summer.... on a motorcycle if at all possible. Would that be ok?

Melissa.... YOU TOO.
Pheaney said…
Motorcycle is fine. You own one now? Last we talked you were still considering. Any M-F 7-5 for the next 6 weeks. Just let me know!
Bill Allison said…

Own a motorcycle? No...

Have one I can ride? Yes!

Need to get great mileage because of the price of gas? Absolutely! Over 50 miles to the gallon... the thrill of eating bugs as you drive at no extra charge!

Next week is shot... but stay tuned... hope to see COC in action... I really do.

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