A Proverbs 29:25 Thought

"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe." —Proverbs 29:25

Applied to youth workers...

Applied to parents...

Applied to leaders...


The Bullhorn said…

Wise thinking, as often. As a leader, I would say that those who won't make certain decisions for fear of offending somebody (even if their the right decisions), won't make very many decisions. Praise is always nice, but hungering for it from someone other than Jesus is toxic to your ministry.
Pheaney said…
Bill. I love it! Just what I needed to hear.

Although we do need to keep from swinging the other way: "He who never gets any affirmation must be super spiritual." Because that's not necessarily true... (in fact, it could mean you're just doing a bad job!)
Anonymous said…
True as long as the leader/parent/minister never forgets that their calling is to LOVE them...

The "I don't care what they think" application of those posted signs is near kin to abusive...

bullhorn - true dat!

personal bragging... if you want to see the cutest 14 onth old toddling bear ever (we only have one, Bill...) go here - http://weblog.xanga.com/RevJeffreyNE/680862006/toddling-bear.html
Bill Allison said…
Yeah...I'm hearing concern that we don't lose the love of God and people. Duly noted and appreciated.

Time to play my full hand on this post...

But I'm talking about youth leaders, parents, and leaders who "NEED" (key word) the praise and affirmation of people... over the praise and affirmation of God. I'm seeing signs of a trend: People who NEED the affirmation and praise of others so they position themselves in youth ministry and live for the accolades of students. I'm seeing parents who want to be their teenger's friend... not their parents. I'm seeing leaders who won't move forward on God's clear agenda because the motion will cause friction... mostly in the form of relational conflict with them.

All I'm saying is... give peace a chance... wait.. that's not what I was really thinking. I'm just saying, Isn't this putting ourselves in a position to fear man? And when we fear man... rather than God... haven't we forfeited our responsibility before God and people?

Just ranting... but what do you think?
Anonymous said…
Oh on that issue...?


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