Cadre Training @ Equip 2010 in Central IL!

Equip 2010 Is Coming to Peoria, IL, on February 26-27!

I invite YOU to join me for one or more of the following training workshops:

Friday, 9:15 AM
Why Volunteers Won’t Show up for Your Meetings and What You Can do About it
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
Room 215
Having a difficult time getting volunteers to your meetings? You’re not alone. Learn how to conduct meetings in such a way that volunteers actually show up! You’ll walk away with ten practical ways to make meetings effective and productive. The volunteers in your church want you to attend this workshop.

Friday, 10:45 AM
The Challenge of Finishing Well
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
South Gym
The spiritual racetrack of life is littered with the broken lives of those who had great starts. Many of these folks were smarter, stronger, more talented, and even more pious than most of us, but for one reason or another, they did NOT finish well. Does that concern you? It should. To truly finish this life well, you must run strong all the way to the end. That’s exactly what we will explore together in this workshop.

Friday, 2:45 PM
Relationships Matter: How You Can Make a Difference OUTSIDE Your Youth Ministry
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
South Gym
This training lab is for anyone who wants to experience some extremely practical, biblical, and fun ways to unleash the power of God’s love into your relationships with people outside your youth ministry. Expect stories, video clips, and a very simple Jesus-like process for impacting people on the outside of your youth ministry. Relationships matter.

Friday, 4:30 PM
Turning Pew Potatoes into Passionate Participators
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
Room 215
About 20% of churchgoers volunteer their time and talents in their church. That means that about 80% of the people in our churches are pew potatoes. This is not only unhealthy, it is unbiblical. How can we cooperate with God in turning pew potatoes into passionate participators? Come and find out.

Saturday, 8:15 AM
Relationships Matter: How You Can Make a Difference INSIDE Your Youth Ministry
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
Room 215
This training lab is for anyone who wants to experience some extremely practical, biblical, and fun ways to unleash the power of God’s love in your ministry to students. Surgeon General’s Warning: Expect high energy, high interaction, and some general craziness. People with boredom-itis, bad attitude, and weak bladders may want to avoid this one.

Saturday, 1 PM
How to NOT Be A Boring Teacher
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
Room 215
It’s time to take your teaching cues from the greatest teacher who ever graced the planet - JESUS! Come to explore, discover, and apply the teaching genius of Jesus to your life and ministry as a volunteer teacher or small group leader. Bring your Bible!

Saturday, 2:30 PM
Seven Biblical Ways God Wants YOU to Encourage Your Pastor
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
Room 215
Your pastor, by calling, is an encourager. But who is encouraging your pastor? While pastoring can be tremendously rewarding, it can also be demanding and disheartening. Make no mistake about it: Your pastor needs your encouragement. God’s Word shows you AT LEAST seven biblical ways to encourage your pastor. This workshop is for you... not your pastor!

Saturday, 4 PM
Time Management for Painfully Pooped-Out People
Bill Allison, Cadre Ministries
Room 215
You are busier than ever. But are you busy doing what God wants? This is NOT your typical time management workshop! You won’t leave this training with more to do in your already overloaded life. Instead, you will learn to wrestle with what God wants you to say “yes” to - and then how to say “no” to the rest. You can expect lots of interaction, Bible study (bring your Bibles and schedule planners), and FUN.

For registration and complete details, GO HERE.


Pheaney said…
Is it just me, or is it ironic that the last of your EIGHT trainings is about time management?
Bill Allison said…
Hope my busy training schedule doesn't keep me from getting to the time management training : )

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