Best. Camp. Ever. Pics. Video.

Just back from speaking to 8th-10th graders at Timber-lee Camp in East Troy, WI.  As usual we had a blast and God did His wonderful thing in all of us.  
This picture above was taken on the way to Timber-lee.  Look at Libby and Sadey's faces.  Do I need to say that Timber-lee is our family's favorite camp? Can you say "PUMPED UP"?

I spoke every morning and night at this outdoor amphitheater.  The worship times were high energy and high participation... and that spells F-U-N.  The camp worship band was FAB-U-LOUS.

Here's a very short video that I took during the worship time on the first night (above).  Can you tell we're having fun?  I love the counselors at Timber-lee!  Turns out that real men CAN dance. (If video doesn't appear, go here.)

This is what I affectionately refer to as "My Camp Survival Kit."  By controlling all the variables (water, coffee, coffee maker, coffee cups, half-and-half, and sugar), I was able to make the best coffee known to mankind—even at camp... with the help of God and Eysal's Coffee.  A happy speaker makes for a good camp experience for the campers.

All week long I talked about "God: A True Story."  Starting in the book of Genesis, we explored such questions as... If God is good, why is there so much pain and heartache in the world? What is God really like? What does God want from us? What does God have to do with life in the 21st century? Was it really a woman that got us all into this mess? Why do the Cubs keep losing year after year? (Just checking to see if you're still reading.)  You may know some stories in the Bible, but do you know THE story that all the other stories are telling? 

It's amazing what happens when you consistently teach the clear truth in the Bible—and get students into the Bible themselves.  God touches hearts.  Many students trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Other students re-engaged their relationship with Jesus. One time I saw God touching the hearts of students so powerfully that one student got right up in the middle of a chapel, ran out of the amphitheater, and fell face down sobbing.  When I asked him about this later, he smiled and said, "God was workin' on me." I guess so :  )

Did I mention Fedora Thursday?  What about the most amazing camp food ever?  I kid you not.  Timber-lee has got it goin' on.

Baby Ivy made her first appearance with the Von Trapp Allison singers when they taught everyone their crazy camp songs such as Gooberdinky, The Frog Song, and Bazooka Bubble Gum.  I think Ivy really got into it.

God. Students. Timber-lee. Best. Camp. Ever. (If video doesn't appear, go here.)


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