Cadre Missionary Adventures...

Sometimes as missionaries, God makes it possible for us to take Jesus-like disciplemaking encouragement and training to potentially hazardous places. This is the story of how God took us…

Behind the Cheddar Curtain
Last weekend, I had the honor of being a small part of the student ministries conference for the Evangelical Free Church in WI. (Pictured below: Rob and Nancy Weise, along with lots of well coordinated volunteers, make this student ministries conference happen… and happen well.)
Cadre brought training and coaching to some of the 3,800 students and youth leaders who attended. Did I mention the conference was in Green Bay? Yeah, that's where the Packers play. I felt alone… so alone behind the Cheddar Curtain. And then the first of many miracles happened….
I found another Bears fan!  It's true: God has his people everywhere… even behind the Cheddar Curtain.  (Note: I have this same jersey, but I didn't have the guts to wear it to Green Bay… especially THIS year. Thanks for inspiration and encouragement Zach!)

Many students trusted Jesus Christ as Savior and many others indicated that God spoke clearly and directly to them concerning their relationship with him.

One of my personal favorites from this year's districts conference was spoken word poet, Propaganda.

Two of my favorite missionaries, Dave and Rennie Garda, also did training and coaching at the conference.

We also facilitated a time of celebration, questions, answers, and prayer with volunteer youth leaders.

Only Jesus can make a Bears fan and a Packer's fan enjoy working together for His kingdom. It's nothing short of miraculous.  But that's how Jesus rolls… in the miraculous.  And we like being along for the ride.


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