Volunteers Who Get It

by Bill Allison

I know a volunteer with the gift of helps who often finds himself serving God quietly behind the scenes. When I asked him how he keeps motivated to do the not-so-sexy work of tearing down and setting up rooms for the ministry’s many activities, he told me,“When I’m tearing down or setting up a room, I think of the number 1.3. Last year I counted the number of people who trusted Jesus Christ as Savior through our ministry. Then I counted the number of times I went through the work of tearing down and setting up rooms. I discovered that one person trusts Jesus Christ as Savior for every 1.3 times I set up a room.”

Don’t you just love volunteers who get it?

I’m guessing you and the ministry you’re a part of could use a lot more volunteers who get it.

But how do you help volunteers “get it”?

You start here.

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