Spreading an infectious way of life

Everywhere we go, we're trying our best to spread Jesus-like disciplemaking like a life-giving pestilence. Here's a pictorial update that tells the stories of some of our summer disciplemaking adventures. Thank you for viewing and reading—for we are your Cadre missionaries of encouragement and disciplemaking! (Click any image below to enlarge for viewing and reading. Or go here for a 2-page PDF.)
Here's a fact: We couldn't take any of part of this Jesus-like disciplemaking adventure without people like you who love us, pray for us, and give to Cadre. We need you. You make our ministry powerful and possible. Every expression of partnership breathes life into our souls… so we can do the same for others! For more information about how you can partner with God, the Allisons, and Cadre Ministries, go here. To make a secure online tax-deductible donation, go hereCadre Ministries is a recognized 501(c)3 ministry.


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