A Texas Training Adventure

We are YOUR disciplemaking missionaries, and this is the pictorial story of our Texas training adventure! (Click any image below to enlarge for viewing.)
It turns out that not only is Texas HUGE, but it's also very delicious. Who knew, right?

Our first stop in Texas was in Dallas where we reconnected with longtime friends, Sam and Charlotte Fithian. These friends go all the way back to Streator, IL, with us. Since they retired about 30 years ago, they've served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Dallas. They've been married 66 years. We love and respect these disciplemaking friends deeply.

Our next stop was to visit our dear friends, the Prescotts, who recently moved to TX from IL. 

When in Texas....

We spent the first few days encouraging and equipping youth leaders from all over Texas at Camp Tejas near Austin. Together we explored what it means to be a disciple who makes disciples who make more disciples.
We explored the disciplemaking genius of Jesus together and sought to apply what we learned to our lives and ministries. 

Then we moved on to Grace Bible Church in Laredo, TX. We stayed with Tim and Cristina Rowley's house. Tim is the youth pastor at Grace.

Tim and Cristina have a turtle named Tom. Someone painted his shell. He's a hippy turtle.

Over three days together, we walked through all five session of Cadre's Evangelism Is Relationships training experience with about 100 students and 25 volunteer youth leaders!

For processing and applying the training, youth leaders and students gathered together in small groups before, during, and after the training. We think of this as disciplemaking.

Each person received a 28 page training manual and 25 day follow-through living guide for continued application after the training experience.

Even our 13-year-old Sadey joined a group a group of junior high students for the training!

When you pray for us, God does amazing things. A number of students indicated that they trusted Christ as Savior while at this training! If you're the praying type, we'd love for your to join our email prayer team. If you're willing to pray for us, email me and we'll keep you up-to-date.

"Now that I am old and gray... Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me." —Psalm 71:18

"...older women must train the younger women..." —Titus 2:4

"In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely. And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind." —Titus 2:6-7

Cadre training experiences are about 50% training and 50% small group interaction, wrestling the Scripture together, and application. We believe life transformation happens best in disciplemaking learning communities likes these.

It's hard to explain, but these students in Laredo are very special to us! This is our second year with them. We love them even more now.

In the middle of all this fun, Ivy was able to work in a game of Twister.

Stop and consider how your prayer and financial partnership are being multiplied through disciplemaking for God's glory!

We're giving our lives to making disciplemakers—like Jesus did. We couldn't even think of doing this without friends like you.

You make our ministry with Cadre possible AND powerful by your prayer and financial support. THANK YOU!
Only Heaven will fully reveal exactly how God used you through Cadre to make an eternal difference.

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." —Hebrews 6:10

It was an Epic time together in TX!

Can you say, "Group picture"? So. Much. Fun.

One last stop for lunch with our dear friends, the Roses, who recently moved from IL to the Houston area. It was a great reunion filled with friendship, coffee, and chocolate which = LOVE.

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