Thanking God for 2015, Pumped about 2016!

(Picture above)Thank YOU for praying for us last week as we got two days with those who are leading disciplemaking movements around the country. We had a very productive time together. Stay tuned for the results!

Here's how you can partner with God, the Allisons, and Cadre Ministries as 2015 comes to a close and 2016 begins...

1. Year-end Missionary $ Support
Please pray for a strong year-end of $ support for Cadre Ministries and its missionaries.

2. Celebrate what God did in 2015!

3. Laugh at us or with us. Your choice.

From our hearts to yours, THANK YOU for stopping by and reading this post! We thank God for friends like YOU.

We are YOUR disciplemaking missionaries.

Bill, Stacy, Emily, Billy, Aubrey, Josey, Libby, Sadey, and Ivy

How God Answers Your Prayers for Us!
What God did in Illinois because of your prayers! THANK YOU!
What God did in Missouri because of your prayers! THANK YOU!
What God did in Wisconsin because of your prayers! THANK YOU!
What God did in Colorado because of your prayers! THANK YOU!

We need YOU to join our prayer team!
We are missionaries with Cadre Ministries. About 2-3 times a month, I'd like to send you a short email with details about how you can say a quick prayer for us. If you are willing to say a quick prayer for us 2-3 times a month, please email me and put "prayer team" in the subject line. THANKS!

Because of God AND the prayer and financial partnership with God’s people like YOU, we are able to take Jesus-like disciplemaking, equipping, and encouragement to thousands of people in hundreds of churches and ministries each year! That's what Cadre Ministries has been about for over 12 years now. God is at work and we love being along for this, crazy, fun, and fruitful ride.

But make no mistake about it: We couldn't do Cadre without friends like YOU.

Would you prayerfully consider joining our financial partnership team on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis starting now?

From our hearts to yours, thank you for prayerfully considering our request.

Bill, Stacy, Emily, Bill, Aubrey, Josey, Libby, Sadey, and Ivy

* Send a check to Cadre Ministries, PO Box 278, Sycamore, IL 60178 and attach a note for "Allisons." Cadre Ministries is a recognized 501(c)3 not-for-profit ministry and all donations are tax deductible.

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