If you fail with volunteers, then you fail in ministry...

(Don't believe it? Go hereherehereherehere, and here.)

Yet, the overwhelming majority of ministry leaders have had very little—if any—training when it comes to finding, developing, and retaining volunteers for ministry.

I have great news for you.

Help is on the way!

We can bring these three biblical, interactive, and practical training experiences to you and your leadership teams.

Session #1 Finding Volunteers
We'll explore five practical ways to turn pew potatoes into passionate participators.

Plus we'll explore...
* Why volunteers want a mission not just tasks
* How to develop a volunteer "job description" for your ministry
* How NOT to ask volunteers for help
* How to train volunteers to find more volunteers

Session #2 Developing Volunteers
We'll explore twelve motivating factors that make volunteers tick and why it matters.

Plus we'll explore...
* Why working with volunteers requires real leadership
* The differences between a boss and a leader
* How we demotivate volunteers and how to stop it
* The power of feedback to and from volunteers

Session #3 Retaining Volunteers
We'll explore seven ways to retain highly effective volunteers. 

Plus we'll explore...
* Why volunteers quit leaders and not ministries
* How to encourage volunteers
* How to train volunteers—not just organize them
* The three minute difference

Each of these three training sessions are filled with practical tools for personal and team assessments. You'll leave with clear next steps for immediate application.

This training is for anyone who oversees a ministry—volunteers and/or paid staff. If possible, please bring another leader (volunteer or paid staff) from your church or ministry as this will help you both process and apply this training experience. If you aren't able to bring someone from your church or ministry, you're welcome to bring another ministry leader from your network or denomination. If you can't find anyone else to join you for one or more of these training sessions, please come yourself.

Training Materials?

Each person will get the newly updated, revised, and expanded edition of Recruiting, Motivating, and Retaining Volunteers—a handbook for anyone who works with volunteers in a ministry setting. 

What Next?
For complete information about hosting these training experiences, please contact Bill.

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