How You Can Become a Trainer with Cadre

We often get asked questions like, "How can I become a trainer with Cadre?"

Nothing excites us more! This gets to the very heart and soul of what we, as disciplemaking missionaries with Cadre Ministries, are all about.

So let's explore how YOU can become a trainer/multiplier with Cadre...

Step 1 Experience It
You cannot pass on that which you do not own. In order to own and internalize the Christo-centric disciplemaking values of a Cadre training experience, you must first experience it—not by yourself—but together with some friends and/or family.

Step 2 Live It
Live what you learned from #1 in your everyday life with a few others others. This is where the Cadre training manuals and living guides come in so handy!

Step 3 Spread It
Now that you're aspiring to live out what you've experienced in #1 and #2 with a few others—help them share it with others. Have them start with their spouse, children, friends, pastor(s), neighbors, ministry leaders, volunteers, students, elders, etc. (Hint: Use the training manual and the living guide you received at the training in Step #1 to help them share what they're learning and living with others!)

So, what's your next step?
1. Experience It.
Bring Cadre to your church/ministry OR see if Cadre training is happening near youNote: We have no trainers who haven't first experienced our training as learners.

2. Live It.
Take a slow, steady walk through Cadre's living guides with a few othersNote: If you participate in a Cadre training experience, but after the training you don't take a slow walk through the accompanying living guide with a few friends/family, then you've missed the point.

3. Spread It
Help your friends and family share with their friends and familyNote: Your disciplemaking role here is to help the friends/family in your relational sphere of influence live out steps #1-#3 with others in their relational sphere of influence.

If you aspire to a disciplemaking way of life as described above AND you want to be encouraged and equipped to help others—so they can help others, please contact Cadre so we can figure out how best to walk alongside you as a disciplemaking friend. We don't care if you're a paid ministry leader or a volunteer ministry leader. If you aspire to live and share this way of life, contact us.


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