I can't wait for the District Youth Conference in Green Bay this January!

If video doesn't appear, go here.

Here's what God did in 2010. To God be the glory!

Information about how you can bring your group here.

Because this is happening January 6-8, 2017—AND—it's in Green Bay, WI, I expect this to be true.

I thank God that He's given me a long and fun history of love and friendship with youth leaders in WI.

All that said, would you please pray RIGHT NOW for God to use this conference to bring students to himself in a powerful, personal, and life-changing way?

And here's a little hint at what my messages will be about this year at Districts...

If video doesn't appear, go here.

My sleep was shattered by blinding light
High and lifted up upon His throne
Was the great I AM and me alone
Jehovah´s glory was all about
All heaven shook with the angel shout:
"Three times holy is this God of might"

Here am I - send me
Here am I - take me
Here am I - use me
Here am I - spend me
Send me, take me, use me, spend me, I am not my own

His righteousness screams that I have sinned
Holy conviction rips me apart
A coal from the fire burns through to my heart
Clean was I by the holy King´s choice
Then all was still except for his voice
"Who will go for us? Whom shall I send?"


Here am I

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