What God's been up to lately...

(Click any image below to enlarge for viewing.)
I had so much fun speaking to 400 students and youth leaders at Timber-lee in East Troy, Wisconsin. Many students trusted Christ as Savior and many more students asked their youth leaders to disciple them! One female youth leader told me: "I have six girls with me and all six received Jesus Christ as their Savior this weekend! I'm going to do my best to disciple them."

We also had a ball training over 200 ministry leaders (paid staff, volunteers and students) in who serve with Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches in Central Florida. It was all part of the CMAs Next Conference which is designed especially to encourage and equip volunteers who serve as children and student ministry leaders. (If you know Cadre, you know what a perfect fit this is for us!)

I enjoyed all the various ministry leaders but this group was one of my favorite groups at the Next Conference. They came to all three of my disciplemaking training labs. I also had the honor of keynoting at the conference. Did I mention we had a lot of fun?

Dan Boal (left) is the national Alliance Youth Ministry consultant (1,300 churches nation wide). And Laura Slezak (right) is part time youth pastor, part time district youth leader with CMA in FL and part-time disciplemaking missionary with Cadre. She’s also a full time mother of 3 : )

After the Next Conference, I had so much fun encouraging and challenging these men from Live Oaks Church, the Villages, FL, to finish well. Their church mission statement is: Play Hard, Pray Hard, Finish Well.

Speaking of finishing well, here's how YOU can finish well.

Once we arrived back home to frigid Central IL, we immediately engaged our disciplemaking ministries. We had a lot of fun, food, and connection with some of the guys who are currently in our Disciplemaking Learning Community affectionately knows as the Peoria Area Leadership Community!

Above: Lunch and time together being disciplemaking friends around a Jesus-like way of life best summed up here: www.disciplemakersprayer.comThese are some of the guys who are the Ongoing Peoria Area Leadership Community. Also—not joking when I say: the best wings in Peoria IL—and possibly the whole world.

A moment of connecting with God and each other via prayer at Cadre's Ministry Is Relationships training experience at Woodlands Church in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. What about the volunteers who serve with you? Do they need a morning of encouragement and equipping? Contact me.

Chris Putney, youth pastor at Woodlands Church in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, brought a room full of volunteers to be encouraged and equipped. Way to go Chris! Here's why volunteers are so critically important.

I had the honor of training the staff and elders of Central Church of Christ, Streator, IL. We drilled down on the Disciplemaker's Prayer and it's implications for leaders. We also explored leading when you feel like quitting.

We're your Cadre missionaries strategically helping the next generation of disciplemakers make disciples who make more disciples... who make more disciples. And we might also be drinking a lot of great coffee along the way too :  ) Speaking of drinking coffee...

Here’s how you can get one of these very cool Cadre coffee mugs AND bless Cadre missionaries with love and $upport at the same time.

Thank YOU for reading this far. You must really be a good friend!

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