The 2018 Kavanah Read Thru the New Testament

For years now we've been talking about "the 15 minutes a day that will change your life forever."

Of course, we're talking about reading the Bible. But not just reading the Bible—as good as that can be. What we're talking about is reading the Bible together. Why "together"? Because reading the Bible by yourself is great, but reading the Bible together is exponentially more transformative. (Don't believe me? True short story here and another here.)

So this is your invitation to join us—and to invite others to join you—in this 2018 adventure through the New Testament twice.

Here's the plan Stan...

(The Youversion Bible app makes it possible to not only read the Bible online via your smart phone, iPad, or computer, but you also can read it in whatever translation you choose. Another bonus is that you can also listen to an audio of each day's readings for FREE!)

But Wait! There's More!
As we read through the New Testament together this year, we're going to be looking for Kavanah. What's Kavanah? That's a great question.
Kavanah is a Hebrew word that helps us understand how God empowers us to live as disciplemakers. 

In its simplest form, Kavanah means “to aim and hit the bullseye.” In disciplemaking, it describes the place where my disciplined actions meet God’s active presence in my life.

If disciplemaking is about following Jesus together, every day, we need his power to do it. And Kavanah helps us see how.

We find the roots of Kavanah in the Babylonian Talmud. Berakoth 32b says, “Our Rabbis taught: Four things require to be done with Kavanah, namely, [study of] the Torah, good deeds [loving others and showing kindness], praying always, and one’s worldly occupation.”

Kavanah is how we hit the bullseye as a disciple. It enables us to be filled up by Jesus, anticipating what God is going to do in us, through us and around us.

We practice these four priorities with others, depending on the help of the Holy Spirit to hit the Kavanah bullseye...
1. Studying God’s Word to know and love God.
2. Prayerfulness
3. Loving others as an overflow of God’s extravagant love for us.
4. Living a Colossians 3:23 (C323) life of worship where we live, work, and play.

As we study, pray, love and live together, we hit the bullseye as disciples—who makes disciples—who make more disciples.

So as we read this year, I suggest every time you come across one of the four Kavanah priorities in your Bible reading, you make a note in your Bible like so...
* "W" = study God's Word to know and love God
* "P" = prayerfulness
* "L" = loved extravagantly by God to extravagantly love others
* "C" = a C323 (Colossians 3:23) life of worship

If you're really into crazy and fun, consider using four different colored pencils/highlighters—one for each of the four Kavanah priorities. When you're done, you'll have a fun and simply way of seeing just how much Kavanah is in the New Testament.

Well, there are only two questions left to ask:
1. Are YOU in?
2. Whom will you invite to join you?

The better, stronger relationship with God that you've always longed for will not happen accidentally.

With whom do you need to share this post?

What are you waiting for?

Join the 2018 Kavanah Read Through the New Testament Facebook page!

Orange (youth size) and Blue (adult size)

What might God do if you dared to pray the Disciplemaker's Prayer?

You, Me, and Coffee Monday... 
Let me encourage you and and make you think 1 stinking time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...
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