Is Pastoral Suicide On the Rise?

Have you heard about the recent rise in the number of people who commit suicide? So sad.

I wished we could say that pastors are immune, but they are not.

I'm not saying it's common for a pastor to commit suicide (thank God it's not)—or that pastoral suicide is on the rise. I am saying that I've heard of more pastors committing suicide in the last few years than any other time in my life.

Still not sure? If you search the Internet with two words, "pastoral suicide," it will break your heart.

It happens. It's real. It's disturbing. It's complex. It's heartbreaking.

As a friend of pastors, I'm sadly not surprised.

Of course, there are multiple factors of causation—and no easy fixes.

You might feel helpless and hopeless to do anything about it.

But you'd be surprised how HUGE a little encouragement from you can be in a pastor's life.

Not sure where you should start?

Start here and start now.
(Above link to a FREE audio on encouraging pastors)

Thanks for loving God and loving people—including pastors.

More here...
* Jarrid Wilson, Pastoral Suicide, and What Now? (9/10/19)

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